10 Biggest Tourists’ Mistakes

How many times have you suffered small or large inconveniences when traveling? We have compiled a list of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced tourists and explained how to avoid them.

1. Big luggage

The more often a person travels, the less things he takes with him/her. In fact, half of these things is not used at all. According to statistics, an average tourist takes at least six things that are left in a suitcase. We recommend packing a bag at the rate of one thing for two days. Pack only finished looks, do not expect you’ll decide on combining clothes on the spot. Think of everything in advance at home.

A tip: dresses occupy less space than, for example, pants and tops; and, beside accessories, there’s no need to think what to combine them with – it is a ready-made look.

2. Roaming

This insidious “goodness” can considerably increase your phone bill. It can greatly tarnish the stay. So you should deactivate international roaming before you enter another country.

Tip: In many countries, you can buy a local SIM card and call cheaper. Better yet, choose a hotel with wi-fi, to call from skype.

3. Hotel in the city center

Hotels in the center can cost several times more, and taxi drivers may immediately raise the rate if you ask to take you to the historic part of the city. So the desire to live in the city center can cost you a pretty penny. You’d better find accommodation in a half-hour’s drive from the center.

4. Ill-time tickets purchase

We often try to buy a ticket in advance at the lowest price possible. But the time of your travel may change, and you will lose quite a lot of money for ticket exchange. It is not recommended to buy a ticket in the last few days either – it will cost much more. The best time is 34 days before the flight.

5. Refusing street food

Inexperienced tourists are afraid to eat street food, especially in the third world, believing that by doing so they can harm their health. But local people do not want to get poisoned either. If you doubt where to have a snack, choose a fast-food shop with the longest queue of the local residents.

Tip: consider local culinary preferences when ordering food. For example, in Thailand, all food is spicy – you need to take an adapted version of a dish, less spicy.

6. Exchanging money at the airport

Arriving in a foreign country, we want to exchange currency as soon as possible. So, we choose the airport, considering it to be the most reliable and secure place. But the exchange rate at the airport is very unprofitable, and we lose a considerable amount. Experts advise to look for currency exchange offices in major cities, after referring to the rate of the National Bank.

7. Saving on insurance

”What could happen to me this week?” – travelers reason. But sometimes the neglect of our own health or property may result in unexpected and impressive expenditure. It is better to spend twenty dollars on insurance at home than pay up to ten thousand for treatment.

8. The desire to take pictures

First, when we take pictures of everything, we fail to enjoy the scenery and architecture. We look at the world through the prism of the lens and do not notice the most important things. Second, when did you last look through the five hundred pictures from your vacation?

9. Cheap shoes

Tourists often buy shoes for the time of the vacation and then throw them away. It makes them suffer from blisters and swelling. Do not save on shoes, and your walks will be comfortable.

10. Too many souvenirs and shopping

Who does not love shopping? But do not get carried away by it soon after arrival. First of all, you’ll make your luggage heavier, and, secondly, there is a risk of buying a bunch of unnecessary things in euphoria. Leave shopping for the last day. During the holiday, you’ll have time to look at the prices (to find out where it is cheaper) and understand what exactly you want to bring home.

Tip: do not buy things at the hotel or at tourist centers – ask the locals about markets and buy the same things out there, but for less money.