Women's Business Fashion

While many areas of the business world still show a male tendency, women are slowly but surely starting to conquer the business world. This trend is also seen, albeit still somewhat lagged, in the higher strands of the business world. There is no doubt that the management board of medium-sized and large companies is still male dominated, but women in this high strands of business are certainly catching up. With a new generation of well-qualified women currently starting their careers, there is every reason to suspect that this trend is going to continue.

Much like the business world in the past decades, business fashion has been male-centered for a long time. While this is also starting to change, dress codes are still largely geared towards men, making male business fashion a lot more streamlined. This certainly makes it a bit harder for women when choosing the right business outfit. Yet, the variety of options leaves a lot more room for individuality.
Using Accessories for a Unique Business Attire

The challenge for the career-oriented woman is to create an individual and distinctive, yet reputable style. The best way to do so is by wearing the right accessories that underline your personal style. In this sense, stylish luxury watches such as the collections by Breitling radiate a sense of style combined with timeless elegance. Hence, luxury watches are certainly the career-oriented woman’s best friend. Other accessories that tend to work well are the natural and subtle use of makeup, comfortable but stylish high-heel shoes, a professional handbag and subtle but elegant jewellery and earrings. The challenge is to create a somewhat conservative and serious overall attire while maintaining and emphasizing a distinctive and individual sense of style. With the right combination of accessories and the tasteful use of colors, you will certainly succeed in creating that unique and classy business attire.